About CFP Group

CFP Group Information

CFP Group Philosophy

CFP Group Philosophy

CFP Group has been taking up the challenge to create new value and seek future possibilities for our customers and society.

Company Policy

Client Trust

Work with a sincere and proactive attitude to build rapport with our clients.

Improvement of Working Environments

Make every effort to improve employee job satisfaction. We will develop a spirit of teamwork and trust for the growth of the employee and the company.

Secure Management

Seek to secure a reasonable profit in order to support sustainable development toward higher levels of operation in line with our proactive and reliable business activities.

Contribution to Society

Encourage environmental protection activities and create value to help society.

Origin of Our Company Name

CFP consists of taking the initial letters of the Challenge to the Future Possibility,
and contains our corporate intent.

Message from CEO

Message from CEO

Challenge to the Future Possibility

CFP Group hold up the following as an ideal: “Challenge to the Future Possibility”.
This ideal is the origin of our company name. We have continued to walk with the hope in our hearts that “we shall create new values that will be useful to society and want to be a company that is always needed by everyone.”
To realize this hope even more, we have formulated the following as CFP Group purpose: 【Creating a carbon-neutral tomorrow with stakeholders】.
And through oure recycle, we are working at building a sustainable society.
Our business exists on a relationship of mutual trust with stakeholders. We think that, in particular, responding one at a time to the expectations of all stakeholders, up through customers, employees, society, and the global environment, will lead to a rise in the value of our company.
While making our foundation the recycling knowledge and experience that we have cultivated amid relations with many people so far, we continue to aim, under everyone’s guidance and support, to be a “company that continues to try things and evolve.”

In May, 2024 CEO Namie Fukuda




Oct.  Found CFP CORPORATION with 3 million Japanese Yen as capital.


Sep. CFP CORPORATION Increase capital up to 10 million Japanese Yen.


Sep.  Open the office and warehouse at Shikoku.


Sep. Move the head office and warehouse to the current address.


Apr. Change from limited liability company to corporation with stockholders joining the business entity.

May Found CFP PLANNING CO., LTD. with 9 million Japanese Yen as capital.


Mar. Build office and warehouse in Shikoku.


Jun. Found RECYCLE ENERGY CO., LTD. with 9 million Japanese Yen as capital.


Feb. RECYCLE ENERGY CO., LTD established R&D office.

Jun. Found CFP Trading Singapore Pte. Ltd. with SG$300,000 as capital.


Sep. RECYCLE ENERGY CO., LTD. Increase capital up to 20 million Japanese Yen from 9 million Japanese Yen.

Sep.  CFP CORPORATION Increase capital up to 30 million Japanese Yen from 10 million Japanese Yen.


Sep. Minohama Factory starts the operation.


July CFP PLANNING CO., LTD. Increase capital up to 20 million Japanese Yen from 9 million Japanese Yen.


Apr.  We have started the operation of Chubu Factory.


May RECYCLE ENERGY CO., LTD. Increase capital up to 40 million Japanese Yen from 20 million Japanese Yen.


Apr.  We have started the operation of Ranzan Factory.

Nov.  Completed our 2nd factory in Minohama.


Apr. CFP PLANNING CO., LTD. Increase capital up to 50 million Japanese Yen from 20 million Japanese Yen.


Oct.  Completed Miyazaki warehouse.


Jan. 2015 Opened Tokyo Office.

July. 2015  Completed our 3rd factory in Minohama.

Sep. 2016 CFP CORPORATION Increase capital up to 90 million Japanese Yen from 30 million Japanese Yen.

June. 2017 R&D office has been moved.


Aug.  We have started the operation of Minohama Power Station.

2019〜 2021

Jan. 2019 Start reprocessing facility by extruder at Takamatsu factory.

Mar. 2020 Completed 4th warehouse at Minohama factory.

Mar. 2020 Start reprocessing facility by extruder at Minohama Factory.

Oct. 2021 Add extruder at Minohama Factory.


Nov. Okayama chemical recycling factory opened.


Nov. R&D office has been moved to the current address.


Oct. Waste Plastic-to-Oil Processing Plant(Unit 1) test run has started.


Jan. Waste Plastic-to-Oil Processing Plant(Unit 1) has started commercial operation.

Oct.  Waste Plastic-to-Oil Processing Plant(Unit 2) has started commercial operation.



CFP Group constitutes 5 companies in domestic and overseas.

Each department such as sales, R&D, and operations works in cooperation
as a whole to meet the needs of its customers in detail across a wide range of fields.

CFP Group constitutes 5 companies in domestic and overseas.

Each department such as sales, R&D, and operations works in cooperation
as a whole to meet the needs of its customers in detail across a wide range of fields.

5 things we can
do for you

Making Best Proposal

We will provide the wide range
of plastic materials from virgin
to recycled materials based
on your needs.

Sharing Business Intelligence

We will provide the vital
information for you through
our global business network.

Solving Your Problem

We will solve your
problem based on
our professional
experience and

Prompt and Energetic Action

We will correspond to the
drastic market movement
flexibly and promptly.

Strong Creativity

We will create new business plans with our flexible ideas, without getting caught in old habits.

Purpose and Value Co-Creation

CFP Group’s Purpose

Creating a carbon-neutral tomorrow with stakeholders.

CFP Group’s Purpose

Creating a carbon-neutral tomorrow with stakeholders.

Core values

Core values

To achieve our purpose, we have defined 10 core values that represent the shared consciousness and beliefs we, working at CFP Group, should possess. Regardless of how times may change, we are committed to maintaining these shared values, actively engaging in our actions, and continuously growing as individuals. Through this commitment, we aim to contribute to our company and society at large.

1.Let’s build many forms of “WA”.

Let’s build many forms of “WA(わ)” such as harmony(和), communication(話), connection(輪), and circular economy(環). *Japanese kanji characters have the same sound but different meanings.

2.Have a heart of gratitude and compassion, and convey it through words and actions.

Be grateful not only to people but also for the earth, community, environment, society, and tools.

3.Be a pleasant person.

Value respect and compassion, always keeping a smile to increase your fans.

4.Work as a team.

Create synergy through everyone’s wisdom and ingenuity. Let us all work together and share a sense of accomplishment and joy. To that end, let us get serious about it ourselves first.

5.Do good deeds

Think in terms of right and wrong, not gain and loss. Excute what you think is right. Get into the habit of picking up trash.

6.Be humble.

Start by listening to appreciate and get to know others. The more we grow, the more humble we should become.

7.Have a broad perspective

Think flexibly, free from the constraints of the past and conventional wisdom. And communicate while imagining the perspective of others.

8.Challenge your cohice

We are not alone! Trust your colleagues to take a step forward. The opposite of success is doing nothing. Give everything a try!

9.Fuse personalities to create chemical reactions.

Let us appreciate others and keep sharing comments. Enjoy a variety of combinations without being stereotyped. Originality x Originality = Power-up

10.Pursue growth and learning.

Leads little relization to a greater growth of the peers and the company. Increasing our own value will be helpful to our stakeholders. Challenge to our future possibility.

Our Approach
to CSR & SDGs

Our Approach
to CSR & SDGs

We are members of society and will contribute to the sustainable growth of “society itself.”

Our business operations are conducted within the “relation” with our stakeholders.
As we conduct our business on this planet Earth, we feel that our presence, which causes great impact, as well as the “Global environment,” a presence which requires great consideration, are each one of our valued stakeholders as well.
We are progressing in our CSR efforts while holding dear our “relation” with all of our stakeholders, as we continue our challenge to realize a sustainable society through a variety of business operations.

Priority areas

As we clearly define our 4 priority areas and concentrate our efforts there, we will deepen the “relation” with our stakeholders, and make sustainable society a reality.

Priority areas

As we clearly define our 4 priority areas and concentrate our efforts there, we will deepen the “relation” with our stakeholders, and make sustainable society a reality.

and Prosperity


Together with our stakeholders, we will make our development efforts a long-term and stable endeavor, while also observing the laws and societal norms, and fulfilling our social responsibilities.
Each and every one of our employees conducts themselves with a high sense of ethics, endeavoring to build the kind of company that our society needs, while working to make coexistence and prosperity based on mutual trust with all of our stakeholders a reality.



Toward Realizing Carbon Neutrality by 2050 we will promote material-recycling, chemical recycling and non-fossil fuel energy, contributing to the building of a sustainable society and a better global environment.
In order to raise awareness of environmental conservation issues, such as low carbon, low environmental load, and resource recycling, we will disseminate information and educate our employees on environmental matters, actively tackling global environmental issues through our corporate activities.



We will support the growth of each employee, so everyone can demonstrate their skills over the long term, aiming to create new values. The company and employees will work together to create a work environment that respects and recognizes diverse values.
We will promote the happiness of all employees and work together with employees to contribute to creating a more prosperous society.

Social Contributions


We recognize the role we should fulfill as a member of society to create a better Global environment and a society where everyone can live comfortably. We aim to grow in harmony with the community.
We will contribute to the sustainable development of the community by actively promoting social contributions, including supporting activities of a variety of organizations.

Action for SDGs

CFP Group are making our efforts to achieve ​SDGs under our corporate philosophy, Challenge to the Future Possibility.
We are confident that our daily business activities and efforts will contribute to the development of society and the prosperity of our clients.

Our Initiatives

Supply Clean Energy
Climate Change Measures

  • Procurement will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines for formulating business plans for biomass power generation.Please view CFP Group’s policies on our efforts towards a Sustainable Society here. (Japanese text only)
  • For Sustainable Development, the spread of clean and inexpensive energy is essential. We play a part in the spread of clean energy through research and development of Waste Plastic-to-Oil Conversion Plant and Biomass power generation.
  • We are contributing to the construction of a sustainable recycling society through the recycling of business waste plastics.
  • Install solar panels and plant trees at all our locations.
  • While promoting paperless work, we are using environmentally-friendly paper, such as envrionmentally-certified paper for printed materials.

Rewarding and ease of work

We are striving to create a workplace where each and every employee can demonstrate their ability. We will continue to promote the creation of a comfortable working environment and support the enrichment of employees’ lives through their work.

  • We are approaching gender equality through efforts such as creating a good work environment, appointing female employees as executives, and promoting the acquisition of paternity leave for male employees.
  • We are implementing systems that allow employees to flexibly choose their work styles according to their lifestyles, such as promoting use of paid vacation and work from home.
  • We are also taking into consideration the opinions of employees in all positions through communication via groupware and using them to improve the office environment.

Business Continuity Plan

In order to continue business in the case of a natural disaster and minimize the impact such a disaster would have on business partners and the local community, we have created the business continuity plan and received certification from Chugoku Bureau of Economy,Trade and Industry. We also conduct regular disaster prevention drills at all our centers in Japan to raise employee awareness of disaster prevention.

Information Security Measures

We have declared that we would work on information security measures and established an information security policy. We will strive to improve the safety and confidentiality of information assets and work to earn the trust of our business partners and other stakeholders.

(Japanese text only)

Cleanup Activities

We regularly carry out cleaning activities in our areas to improve the local landscape. we are working hard at raising the environmental awareness of each of our company employees.

Donation and Support Activities

To contribute to the positive development of local communities through our activities and to build trust with the community, we make donations to various associations based on decision by employees.
We have supported many different associations that promote “environmental conservation”, “food security”, “children’s health and lives”, and the like, through donations.